How can I reset the password to my SuperMoney account?

If you’ve forgotten the password to your SuperMoney account, you'll need to reset it to gain access to your account.

To reset your password using a web browser:

  • Click the Login button that appears on the top right of the homepage
  • There will be a Forgot Password link in the login box that pops up. Simply enter the email address associated with your SuperMoney account and click Send reset link. An email will be sent to let you reset the password.
  • Check your email inbox - you'll receive a message within a few minutes with instructions and a link. Click on the link provided, then you'll be able to rest your password.

If you don’t see the password reset email within a few minutes, check your spam folder. Once you do see the password reset email, be sure to click on the reset link as soon as you can, as the link does expire.

After following these steps, you should be able to sign in with your new password at